Sunday, April 17, 2016

6 Tips To Maintain Health For Students

6 Tips to maintain health for students - Health is the most important thing to live the life. Regular health associated with a healthy lifestyle. Maintaining the health of the body is very important for all living creatures God first a student.  

Maintaining health for students is very easy depending on the student itself. There are some tips to maintain health for students who sometimes students often ignore health.

6 Tips to maintain health for students - a student is very tiring for some students. With the accumulated tasks that will be culminated make students experiencing stress.  

Easy Tips for maintaining the health of the students that I certainly will discuss for students in order to keep their body healthy and fresh especially those sons of other hostels that only each day lectures.

The following jewelry 6 Tips to maintain health for students to keep the body healthy and fresh during the lecture :

1.   Set Diet

Sets a Good Diet can keep the Health body. By eating healthy can also help improve the body of The immune system. But in fact, some students more difficult to set up a good diet, even more, choose instant food because more easily although in a long time will cause bad against the body.

Among the students are also difficult to implement breakfast is also's lack of concentration of students in learning. So it is recommended to students for breakfast do not rush - rushing breakfast that light first to block the belly as consume bananas or cereals or other food that is healthy.

You can also bring supplies to campus for a day of course the morning - the morning you must cook. Cook healthy food that meets the adequacy of nutrition with 4 healthy 5 perfect, this will keep your health. This became the benefit for that often Wake Up morning suppose Muslims wake up in the morning when dawn to carry out the obligation of prayer.

In addition Wake Up morning also healthy because the inhaled air is still fresh and has not been affected by the pollution.

Now when the night if you want to eat the healthy food consumption such as fruit - fruits, vegetables, and other healthy food which contains fiber this will keep our digestive system to stay healthy and smoothly.

2.   Sports

Sports are difficult for some students because of the time each day filled with academic activities. Now, therefore, recommended light sports when the morning starts from ran - ran small this will affect the health of the heart. You can take advantage of the day of the week for jogging sports or go to the place fitness.

You can also to the campus on foot if possible, but if Too far better use of the vehicle.

3.  Enough sleep

Enough sleep can maintain the health of the body and avoid stress. But some students are Staying Out until late at night it was their habit because they did not know the impact.

How sleep deprivation can cause a lack of concentration and reduced the function of the brain, stress, headache, red eyes, obesity until the Disruption of heart health.

Enough sleep and ideal that takes 7 - 8 hours a day if the lack of sleep can cause the symptoms that are listed above. Then make your sleep schedule is good and orderly manner so that the body is always maintained their health.

4.   Drinking a Lot of Water

When waking up in the morning it is recommended to consume water first can function to remove the substance - dirty substance which is in the body through the urine. Drink water that many can improve the health of the body, improve concentration, Prevent appetite overweight, and increases energy is of course very useful.

5.   Maintain Cleanliness

Cleanliness problem often occurs in some students who are often sick can be so they are paying less attention to hygiene.

To prevent disease that came then we must be diligent in washing, clean all related to the body. For example wash hands with clean before eating and after dispose of water.

6.   Reduce Caffeine or Carbonated Drink

Carbonated Drink is a drink that many liked because a sweet taste and can increase energy. But after it in the soda contains a lot of sugar this will disruption of health in the long run.

Caffeine also drinks that many liked, even start the day with consuming caffeine, caffeine can be healthy but in other ways the presentation which is not good as sugar contents located on caffeine is also resulting in the disruption of health. It is advisable to reduce the consumption of caffeine and to familiarize consume necessitous circumstances that many methods for protein and fiber.
Keep the health of the body to keep the body fit to live a beautiful life.

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6 Tips To Maintain Health For Students
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